Common Question in the Survey Responses

I was reading through the surveys today and someone that completed a survey 12/30/2011 asked: “Will somebody actually read this?” and the answer is YES, someone does go through every single completed survey and reads all the responses. It is time consuming and intense but completely worthwhile. It is very clear to us that most respondents took a significant amount of time and care to complete the surveys and offer their opinions. Thanks so much!

Hello world!

Sharing results from our research on Occupy Wall Street and related emerging social movements. If you would like to contact us about this work, please email

Until we build this site up, please visit us at

Plans for the site

Just a quick note to thank everyone for visiting and to thank the thousands of persons that have completed the surveys. Our goal is to use this site to begin to post results and encourage discussion. We will continue to add information and analysis over the next few weeks. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email.

A map with the location of visits to the OWS web site from China since September 17…

I read a newspaper article about replacing the Tappan Zee Bridge in NYC that made me think. The greatest county in this world does not have enough money to replace one stinking bridge. As a baby boomer, I feel we have left our chidren with a country that’s 15 trillion dollars in debt, prisons full, infrastructue in shambles, huge college loans and not to mention the medical and retirement fiasco etc.etc….Basically, the usefulness of my life is 85% over and it’s time to change our system. It’s the students country now, let them have it and give them all the support they need to change for what they believe in.

I read a newspaper article about replacing the Tappan Zee Bridge in NYC that made me think. The greatest county in this world does not have enough money to replace one stinking bridge. As a baby boomer, I feel we have left our chidren with a country that’s 15 trillion dollars in debt, prisons full, infrastructue in shambles, huge college loans and not to mention the medical and retirement fiasco etc.etc….Basically, the usefulness of my life is 85% over and it’s time to change our system. It’s the students country now, let them have it and give them all the support they need to change for what they believe in. survey-wave 5-comment made 12/24/2011

I am so thankful for all the people around the country have showed up on the ground. My health keeps me away from doing so.

I am so thankful for all the people around the country have showed up on the ground. My health keeps me away from doing so. survey-wave 5-comment made 12/23/2011

I do volunteer w/ school children but hesitate to mention the nonprofit organization b/c occupy may be stigmatized in their eyes. this is hard to explain, remember the guy from nyc from the beginning w/ a $20 taped over his mouth holding a sign saying he could lose his job for having a voice? it’s like that. I have a job, I have kids who I volunteer with. I fully support OWS, but my life revolves around these people that don’t yet understand the movement & I’m not in a position to educate w/o risking losing these interactions. Also I forgot to mention in the longer entry above, occupy needs to garner public support with mass coordinated efforts on the behalf of real communities. It is a chance to get creative with the ways in which people can work together to give back to their communities. This should widely focus on education but can involve simple community based activities like feeding the hungry or cleaning up litter in public places.

I do volunteer w/ school children but hesitate to mention the nonprofit organization b/c occupy may be stigmatized in their eyes. this is hard to explain, remember the guy from nyc from the beginning w/ a $20 taped over his mouth holding a sign saying he could lose his job for having a voice? it’s like that. I have a job, I have kids who I volunteer with. I fully support OWS, but my life revolves around these people that don’t yet understand the movement & I’m not in a position to educate w/o risking losing these interactions. Also I forgot to mention in the longer entry above, occupy needs to garner public support with mass coordinated efforts on the behalf of real communities. It is a chance to get creative with the ways in which people can work together to give back to their communities. This should widely focus on education but can involve simple community based activities like feeding the hungry or cleaning up litter in public places. survey-wave 5-comment made 12/23/2011

It is your turn now. We did what we could in the 60’s but we eventually sold out. I was starting to wonder what was wrong with your generation? I can clearly see now nothing! Go for it. You have a lot more support than you can possibly imagine!

It is your turn now. We did what we could in the 60’s but we eventually sold out. I was starting to wonder what was wrong with your generation? I can clearly see now nothing! Go for it. You have a lot more support than you can possibly imagine! survey-wave 5-comment made 12/23/2011

Plans for the OWS research project 12/23

Our plans moving forward —and we would appreciate any feedback —include:

1.      Preparing a report on the comparison across 4 waves of the survey: Oct. 9 (n=1,619), Oct 21-22 (n=5,020), Nov. 10-12 (n=5,955), November 15-17 [post-eviction] (n=6,531).

2.      Writing up the results for the survey in conducted between November 17-25 with about 3,000 completed responses.

3.      Preparing a report with an in depth look at Wave #3 (Nov. 10-12) [and potentially wave 4 and wave 1 of the OTG survey] to examine differences between supporters, participants, and regular participants at OWS.

4.      Preparing a report with Wave #3 (Nov. 10-12) [and potentially wave 4 and wave 1 of the OTG survey] looking at differences between supporters in California, New York, Elsewhere in the US, and abroad (4 categories).

5.      Preparing a series of topic discussion reports with answers to the (10 or so) open ended questions.

6.     Prepare report for wave 5 of the survey at

Initial Project Overview


Since the middle of September, the Occupy Wall Street movement has captured the attention of the country and the world and, in spite of significant police repression, has continued to organize Americans into the largest demonstrations in the country in response to the Great Recession.  The successes of these mobilizations has led to considerable interest among the general public, academics, policy makers, and the media in the characteristics of persons interested in, supporting, and participating in the Occupy Wall Street protests and in the broader Occupy Wall Street and 99% Movement.

One of the ways to measure increasing interest and levels of participation and involvement in Occupy Wall Street is by tracking the level of traffic to the main site for the protests